52. Healing your heart & body for optimal health with Sondra Gatien

You think being fit is all about dieting and losing weight?

You're wrong.

Getting that fit body is so much more than just dieting and losing weight. It's about feeling good inside—it's about having an inner peace that radiates out to everyone around you.

And when we say "fit," we mean more than just a body that looks good in a swimsuit - we mean being healthy from the inside out. That means healing your trauma, your inner child, and facing the darkness so you can come out as the best version of yourself—the optimal version of yourself!

But let's be real: We all need support on our journeys, especially when we're doing things like facing our inner demons or dealing with trauma from our past.

And that support needs to come from people who get it—people who will stick with you through your journey and make all the difference in helping you become who you're meant to be.

That’s why I’m so thrilled to have Sondra Gatien with us today to talk about her own transformation —and how having a support system like this can change everything for you.

Sondra is a woman who knows what it feels like to be knocked down—by a major car accident, by a failed relationship —and then take herself back up again with the help of amazing women in her life. And now, she guides other women in their health and fitness journey, helping them to break free from traditional health industry extremes and focus more on what matters: their own inherent self-healing powers.

We talk about:

  • What led Sondra to become so passionate about helping women rewrite how they connect to their own bodies and their hearts

  • How having a support system in the form of two amazing coaches helped her become who she is today

  • What really works when it comes to achieving optimal health

  • And so much more!


Learn more from Sondra Gatien at:

IG/TikTok - @sondragatien

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sondra.gatien

Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/meganjaworski.xo

Website - https://www.meganjaworski.com/


53. Predators, protecting children and psychologically safe workplaces


51. Breaking the ‘good girl’ conditioning