47. Becoming Unstoppable - Experiencing the dark night of soul

If you want to teach something, you must embody it. We can only really empathise with others if we are connected to our own pain and suffering and we earn the lightness, so we can share it out in the world.

If you are a highly empathetic person and want to make a difference in the world, if you’re doing meaningful work in the world or consider yourself a changemaker and you really want to create positive change then this episode is for you. 

What I talk about:

  • my personal goal of running a half marathon and what I made it mean about me. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it. 

  • what the training and a hip injury has taught me 

  • Comparative suffering. It’s ok to feel the feelings and acknowledge our pain - in fact it’s very important that we don’t. 

  • Be willing to be uncomfortable in the messiness of the pain and emotions you’re feeling. Put boundaries around it with others if you need to

  • My thoughts on the dark night of the soul/the messy middle/the rumble 

Empathetic people can often diminish what we are going through and it’s too easy to not acknowledge or own pain. Reframing our pain before we sit in it never truly works. 

The more we resist what we are feeling the more we push it aside and the more we diminish it then the more it manifests itself in other ways, we become emotionally disconnected (to ourselves and others). and we actually end up suffering more and often feeling resentful. 

It becomes counter intuitive - the way to heal our own suffering is to sit in the messiness of it. This then opens up the space so we can ask ourselves powerful questions and gain clarity on why we feel the way we are feeling. 

If you want to know more about Unstoppable - jump onto my newsletter HERE  to get $200 off the price and a bonus course before it officially begins in October.  


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/meganjaworski.xo

Website - https://www.meganjaworski.com/


48. Make your mission impossible to ignore with Emily Chadbourne


46. The power of social connection to create change with Emeli Paulo