44. The power of moving from Desire to Decision

Are your desires really yours or someone else’s?

It’s only when we can make the distinction of decision vs desire that things will really shift in our life! 

So many women I’ve spoken to live in the state of desire - what do you REALLY want and desire in life? 

Trouble arises if we stay in this state as we are still wishing hoping and waiting for that thing and wanting that thing to be ours

Have you decided that what you are desiring is actually yours? Chances are if you are still wanting or desiring it, you’re not moving from desire to decision. 

Once you’ve made the decision you start to make different choices and ask different questions like - well if this already mine, then who do I need to be to have that thing? 

What small steps do I need to take in order to achieve it?

Make the decision that what you desire is for you, then everything else that is standing in your way of achieving it will disappear.


Connect with me and ask me your questions at:

Instagram - @meganjaworski.xo

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/meganjaworski.xo

Website - https://www.meganjaworski.com/


45. How To Create Positive Change


43. The power of awkward action