Ep 22: Owning your Self-Worth with Farah Mak
I have a very special guest on the show today who is full of sparkle and making a shining impact on the world with her work in women’s advocacy. Farah Mak is an entrepreneur, actor, TV presenter, speaker, author and is a passionate advocate for women empowerment, supporting women to enhance their confidence, improve their communication skills and achieve their goals all through the power of cultivating self worth.As founder of the Self-Worth Movement, Farah is a social changemaker and works to educate, inspire and empower women and girls across the globe to know their worth. In this episode, Farah shares her personal journey and how she travelled through the dark night of the soul into a place of worthiness, acceptance and empowerment. She talks about leaving an abusive marriage, the effects of domestic violence and how when you know your worth, everything falls into place.Farah tells us about the life lessons she learned during her time training as an actor, the work she is doing to help other women know their self worth and so much more. I know you’re going to get a lot out of this episode today.
LINKS:Websites: https://www.farahmak.com/
Instagram: @theselfworthmovement@thefarahmak
Website: www.meganjaworski.com